Last year I spent a great deal of time writing and shooting for a new, one-hour documentary, 'Cross Border Comedy' coming to ABC International on Thursday 20 February.

Filmed across four international cities (Melbourne, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur and Phnom Penh) the program gives audiences a unique 'fly on the wall' insight into the stand-up comedy scene in the region.
I spoke with journalist Sophie Johnson who wrote about my experience for this piece on ABC Asia.
The documentary follows my journey as I embark on an international comedy tour for the first time ever. Although I've performed across numerous cities across Australia, it was my first time performing in KL and Phnom Penh.
Filming a documentary while performing did not come without its own set of hurdles.
"We're putting on a live show. That's already a huge deal. Then you add filming into the mix, and there are all these moving parts."
You can catch Cross Border Comedy throughout Asia (being broadcast on these channels) on Thursday 20 February. You can also watch it on YouTube or on ABC iView (Australia).